Developing Your Dream Team


Here are five reasons why you need a core team on your dream journey.

You need encouragement.

Most of the people I surround myself with have played prominent roles throughout my last

few years. There aren't many people in my inner circle who I've met very recently. Nothing against

making new friends- you need to continue making new friends to grow in knowledge and

influence, but you also need friends who know you.

You need people with whom you have

history in order to have a broader context and perspective.

You need friends who can tell you

how much progress you have made and also what you need to do to arrive at the next destination

in your journey.

You need consistency.

What I'm getting at is, you need to develop a core group.

I remember the first celebration I had with this

group four years ago. My birthday falls when everything is in flux – graduation,

Mother’s Day and so forth – May is one of the busiest months of the year, and there is no avoiding that. As a result,  I was more than a little bit worried that I would

have to celebrate my birthday by my lonesome. Instead, this group, that would become my core,

carved out an evening for me in their schedules. This year, I had no doubts. They would be

there. My core team made time for me, and yours will make time for you.

You need vulnerability

Now you may be asking, “How did you find this group of friends that you can count on?”

I would suggest two keys. First, you have to consistently make time to pursue what you want.

Significant friendships and accomplishments don’t just happen. Second, when you are making

time for your inner circle, you need to choose to go beneath the surface. To be clear, the idea is

not to be vulnerable with everyone, but with your core group, you need to share both your highs

and your lows. That’s what builds trust. That’s what builds relationships.

You need momentum

If you have made it this far, you are well on your way, and that’s the point – momentum.

We have already established that building relationships takes time and effort. It wouldn’t make

sense to keep stopping and starting the process, then, would it? Find your group to focus on, and

don’t spread yourself too thin.

You need variety

Different ages and personalities keep

you on your toes. They help you to see points of view you might have missed. In particular,

older people can offer wisdom about the road ahead. Younger people can remind you of ideas

you might have forgotten.

Do you have a core team? What’s one step you can do to build your friend group?


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