The Good Stuff Pain Teaches Us

I walk a lot, which gives me plenty of time to reflect.  
On one of my more recent walks, I was filled with gratitude.  
You see, I used to fall nearly every day, on account of cerebral palsy.  I’ve fallen thousands of times in my life, but for the most part, I’m grateful for those falls.  I’m grateful because they instilled something in me.  They instilled tenacity and a refusal to be defeated.  

I grew to believe that if I could just get past those falls, good things awaited me.  

Every time I fell and got up, I was that much closer to my goal.


That’s what I want to encourage you with today.  We’ve all had setbacks we’ve had to overcome.  We all have struggles we go through.  It helps to say, “What is the good thing in this?  What can I take away from this?”


Those two questions have been key in my journey. The key in helping me recognize that there is always a way and the best is ahead.

What about you?  When do you count your blessings?  What have you endured that has ultimately benefited others?


Feeling Overwhelmed?


Overcoming Fear