Lisa Nicole Bell on Carving Out Your Entrepreneurial Niche

Lisa Nicole Bell is the CEO of Inspired Life Media Group, a company that creates and produces content for Fortune 500 brands, major media outlets, and venture-backed startups in the realms of entertainment and technology.

Dreaming Made Simple: Would you tell Dreaming Made Simple readers how you carved out your niche and how you figured out a twist on what you offered?

Lisa Nicole Bell: I carved out a niche by identifying what I was good at and then identifying which skills I could develop to build a career for myself. Most people kind of fall into their careers instead of carefully strategizing what they really want to do and what it will take to get there. I spent a lot of time reading and researching career paths to figure out how I wanted to start my business and grow it.

SDB: What’s your dream for your business?

Lisa Nicole Bell: My dream is to grow my next company into a $100MM+ entity. It's a much bigger idea than anything else I've ever pursued so I'm excited about the possibilities.

SDB: What are one or two lessons you have learned in the process of going after your dream?

Lisa Nicole Bell: Knowing the right people is super important. Time spent on strategic networking will never be time wasted.

Also, your mindset determines how far you go. It's so important to feed your mind with the right information and continue to build your image of yourself in the right way.

Learn more about Lisa Nicole Bell here


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