Soles for Souls Former Chief Wayne Elsey Quick Hits

Wayne Elsey is the founder of Soles4Souls, a shoe charity aimed at adults and children in need. Currently he is the head coach at branding and communications agency Wayne Elsey Enterprises to be launched this fall. Wayne authored the book "Almost Isn't Good Enough."

Sam’s Dream Blog: How did your prior work at Soles4Souls and in the footwear industry prepare you for what you are doing now?

Wayne Elsey: PEOPLE are searching for direction and HOPE. My experience, both in the for-profit world and nonprofit world, has enabled me to bundle the knowledge, drive and ambition to make a larger footprint in the world. At Soles4Souls, I founded, started and put a lot of energy in getting it to the point it is today, financially strong with an incredible team! Therefore, why not build a bigger tribe of people who want to make a difference and just need a nudge or the direction to do it? People need to realize that they matter. YOU MATTER, your cause matters. It all starts with that.

SDB: Why is now the right time for your new venture?

Wayne Elsey: It was the right time for me personally. Focusing on ME, health and what I really want to accomplish motivated me to resign [from Soles4Souls] and move forward with a vision that has been in my head for over a year. PEOPLE are looking for direction; I want to offer that to them. They are looking for HOPE, and again, I want to offer that to them.

SDB: How have your dreams and goals changed?

Wayne Elsey: They haven’t - they have increased in size as I clearly have seen the hurting people right here in America and around the world. We are better than that, to turn our head or offer them a handout. I am all about handups, not handouts!

Keep up to date with Wayne’s Web sitefollow him on Twitter, or read a chapter of his book by clicking here


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