Patience: What's Your Trick?


The other night I was thinking, what do you do when it seems like you can’t move forward with your dreams right now? How do you stay motivated? How do you stay hopeful? Perhaps hardest of all, how do you practice patience?

Here are a few ideas I have:

1. Listen to presentations related to your dreams and goals.

2. Read materials on the subject.

3. Put up dream boards with pictures so that you never take your eye off your goal.

4. Help others with their dreams (volunteering or helping friends) ? It seems like when you are helping others, your angst over what’s not happening in your own life dissipates, and sometimes, things might fall into place for you while you are helping others.

5. Sparingly, that’s the key word here, admit that you are frustrated. Don’t stay in that state of mind for long. I’m reminded of Professor Morrie Schwartz’s comment in "Tuesdays with Morrie": I give myself a good cry if I need it. But then I concentrate on the good things still in my life. I don't allow myself any more self-pity than that. A little each morning, a few tears, and that's all.  If he could say that as his life came to a close, who am I to give in to temporary frustration?

I’ll leave you with inspirational tennis icon Arthur Ashe’s quote. Hopefully it encourages you to have patience and to maintain perspective. Then I want to hear from you! What keeps you going?

"Start where you are. Use what you have. Do what you can." My thanks to Women with Drive Foundation for posting Ashe’s quote.

Let me hear from YOU!


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