Natalie MacNeil, EMMY Award Winner Quick Hits

Natalie MacNeil is an EMMY Award-winning media entrepreneur. MacNeil founded the women’s entrepreneurship blog "She Takes On The World." "She Takes On The World" earned a spot on Forbes’ list, "Top 10 Entrepreneurial Sites for Women" and on the ForbesWoman list, "Top 100 Websites for Women."

Dreaming Made Simple: I read that you were recognized as Canada’s Young Entrepreneur of the Year.  As a twenties-something, how does someone get his or her ideas to be taken seriously by much older decision makers?

Natalie MacNeil: Being taken seriously as a young go-getter requires unwavering confidence. There are people who judge me based on age -usually before they see my resume -but I don't let that bother me anymore. You have to look inwards and know that age does not limit what you can achieve. I truly believe that the only limits you will face are the limits you put on yourself.

Dreaming Made Simple: The name "She Takes On The World" sounds pretty ambitious.  How does someone decide whether his or her dream is too big, and how do you go after the really big one?

Natalie MacNeil: There is no such thing as dreaming "too big." You just have to remember that anything big you're going to accomplish will take time. When I set out to achieve a BHAG (big hairy audacious goal), I start with 5 milestones or strategic actions that will be necessary to reach the goal. Then I work backwards to determine how to schedule those milestones into my calendar so that I have a timeline laid out for achieving my BHAG (big hairy audacious goal). My last piece of advice for reaching those big dreams would be to surround yourself with a strong support system. The people you surround yourself with can make all the difference!

Keep your eyes on Natalie MacNeil's blog to learn more about women changing the world


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